It’ll also have you facing dungeons, and even considering marriage later down the line to your favourite candidates, if that’s your thing. That said, if you want to even start farming in Harvestella, you’re going to need to clear your land of big rocks. Without further ado, here’s how to break big rocks in Harvestella, and make some space on your farm.
How do I upgrade my hammer and break big rocks in Harvestella?
First things first, you’ll need to upgrade your hammer in Harvestella if you want to break big rocks. Your first hammer will let you break smaller rocks around your farm, but if you wish to break the bigger rocks, you’re going to need to grind for it all the way up to Quest 3C. Sooner or later in Harvestella, you’ll meet the Fire Faerie, Juno. This faerie will request that you find their friends, one of which is Shirii, the Earth Faerie. You’ll want to specifically go about unlocking Shirii if you’re looking to upgrade your hammer. Shirii, the Earth Faerie, is unlocked once you take on and beat the Winter Dungeon. Considering this is a few hours deep into the game, you’ll probably need to spend some time levelling and improving gear first. Anyway, the Earth Faerie being unlocked means that the Faerie Book in your home will have additional orders added to it. From here, you can look at all the orders and tasks that Shirii (and other faeries) want you to do. Each order will reap its own reward, with Shirii’s rewards often aiding you with farming, and one of such orders involves finally upgrading your hammer! With that order complete, your hammer will be upgraded, and you’ll be able to blast through big rocks like there’s no tomorrow. That said, if you’re just getting started, you’re going to need to be patient for a while longer before you can get rid of those unsightly, large rocks from your Harvestella farm. Be sure to check out how your appearance can be changed in Harvestella in the meantime.