As you navigate The Quarry, making decisions vital to the lives of your camp counsellors, and key to the narrative, you’ll find that a lot of responsibility is on your hands. Fortunately, Tarot Cards are scattered carefully all over the place, and collecting them offers you what Until Dawn and The Dark Pictures Anthology players might know as ‘premonitions’ of the future. Eliza, our Tarot Card reader, will explain the cards to you at the conclusion of each chapter. If you choose to see more, you’ll even catch a glimpse of what might happen as a result of one of your upcoming decisions. These Tarot Cards, thus, can be incredibly helpful for knowing what steps to take next, so we’ve explained where to find the locations of all 22 Tarot Cards, as well as what they can mean for your camp counsellors. That being said, read ahead carefully, as there are spoilers below! In an attempt to make this guide a tad more accessible to those who want to collect the cards with as few spoilers as possible, I have noted the location of the named Tarot Card first. Any paragraphs that immediately follow will detail the premonition associated with the card (I’ve labelled these as such) - avoid reading these particular paragraphs if you simply want to collect the cards and experience them for yourself!

All Tarot Card Locations in The Quarry


The Fool Location - While playing as Laura and exploring the forest, Laura will hop down a ledge (with the help of Max) and be able to explore more of the forest for clues and evidence. If Laura heads down the path to the left, the camera angle changes, revealing the card and allowing you to collect it.

The Fool Explained - During Chapter 2, Jacob has to make a decision between breaking the fuel line of stealing the rotor arm of the van. This premonition shows what will happen if Jacob chooses to break the fuel line: the van will catch fire whenever Mr Hackett tries to start it.

Chapter 1

Temperance Location - When Jacob enters the lodge during Chapter 1, go into the kitchen. As you enter, the camera angle will change once more and reveal a Tarot Card sitting beside some pots and pans.

Temperance Explained - This card shows Emma picking up the fireworks that she finds in Chapter 2. These fireworks will later be set off at the bonfire, and Emma can take some to defend herself from enemies later in the game. If you choose not to take them, this will not have an overarching impact on the story or anyones lives.

Chapter 2

The Hanged Man Location - As Nick, choose to take the Rocky Road route back to camp with Abi. Continue ahead, don’t miss the upcoming Quick Time Events, and eventually, the camera will pan to a rock up above, revealing The Hanged Man.

The Hanged Man Explained - In Chapter 3, Jacob is caught by a hunting trap and as is seen in this vision, will be dangling upside down from a tree. This particular premonition will happen no matter what decision you make, it’s the decisions you make afterward that matter.

Chapter 3

The Star Location - As Jacob, you will need to locate some towels at the boathouse after speaking with Emma. Before going upstairs to look for them, walk over to the nearby canoes inside the boathouse and to the left of the dock. As you walk over, the camera will pan to a nearby wooden pillar, revealing the card stuck to it.

The Star Explained - During Chapter 4, Emma will be exploring the island alone and will eventully make her way up to the Treehouse. This particular premonition shows that when Emma opens the Trapdoor in the Treehouse, a monster will jump out at her and attack. When you encounter this scene, search the bag in the Treehouse before opening the trapdoor.

Chapter 4

The Tower Location - While Abi is roaming the woods, she begins to sense that she might not be alone. Keep walking straight through the woods, and eventually, the camera angle will change to reveal the card atop a tree.

The Tower Explained - When Emma is fleeing the monster in Chapter 4, she must use the zipline to get herself to safety. This premonition shows what happens if things go wrong, however, and Emma falls from the zipline to her death.

The Magician Location - While playing as Emma on the island again, head back down the stairs and to the dock. As you approach the edge of the dock, the camera will move itself again to reveal the card on one of the small wooden pillars surrounding the dock.

The Magician Explained - This particular premonition will show Ryan hacking off Dylan’s arm in Chapter 5, at the radio shack. After Dylan is bitten, you can choose to chop off his arm to prevent the infection from spreading.

Strength Location - When entering the lodge again, but this time as Dylan, the camera will pan to the cards location, which is on a table leg.

Strength Explained - As Nick’s infection develops, this particular vision will show a very worked-up Nick grabbing Bobby Hackett by the throat, choking him, and then throwing him. I haven’t actually encountered this in either of my play throughs, so I can’t tell you what triggers this or when it happens.

Chapter 5

The Devil Location - Playing as Dylan, you’ll get the opportunity to search the grounds that surround the camp cabins and radio shack. Approach the picnic tables in the middle of this area, and the camera will reveal the card underneath one of them.

The Devil Explained - This card will show Nick’s infection ultimately turning him, and causing him to brutally kill Abi. This happens in the poolhouse during Chapter 6, and is prevented if Abi shoots Nick, rather than doing nothing.

The Hermit Location - When you reach the radio shack, explore to the left of the building before going inside. Head towards the big aerial, and as you get closer, the camera will pan to reveal the card at the bottom of the aerial.

The Hermit Explained - During Chapter 6, Jacob will accidentally get caught in a bear trap. This vision shows that, thanks to a missed QTE, Jacob will try to free his foot, fall, and then get his head trapped in another bear trap. It makes for pretty gueseome viewing.

Chapter 6

Justice Location - While playing as Jacob, you’ll find yourself wandering a boardwalk. When you’re done exploring up here, head back down and take a left. As you make your way left, the camera will do its thing again and reveal the card stuck to a nearby wooden pole.

Justice Explained - This vision shows Laura shooting Sheriff Travis Hackett inside her prison cell in Chapter 7. During this scene, you are granted the option to take a risk and try steal Travis’ gun, if you mess up the QTEs, however, Laura will accidentally pull the trigger on him.

The Moon Location - While exploring the bathroom as Abi, walk into the second shower stall, to the left of the lockers. Once you have walked in here far enough, the camera will reveal the card is behind the door.

The Moon Explained - This card reveals a vision of Laura using a syringe full of what we can assume to be tranquiliser, on Travis, and then stealing his keys in Chapter 7. The syringe can be collected from one of the upstairs rooms, but I have tried and failed to trigger this scene. My best guess is that this one lies in the dialogue decisions between Travis and Laura, and whether he trusts her enough to not later frisk her and find the syringe.

Chapter 7

The World Location - At one point, you’re able to explore Laura’s cell. After interacting with what there is to be discovered around the room, go into the left corner of the cell that is closest to the bars, rather than the wall. Once here, the camera will reveal the card underneath the bed.

The World Explained - This vision will show Ryan falling down into the quarry, while Laura looks on in Chapter 8. While I know that the events that follow involve both Ryan and Laura exploring Hackett House, I’m not entirely sure what triggers Ryan to fall without Laura.

The Chariot Location - Playing as Laura, you’ll be able to explore the police station after learning a few new things about Max. Walk through the middle of the main room where multiple tables are. Once you’re in the middle, the camera will zoo out and reveal the card on a beam above.

The Chariot Explained - This card will reveal Dylan and Kaitlyn opening the door of the broken van back at the camp, to reveal something less than pleasant. This happens during Chapter 8 automatically, and cannot be prevented; it’s the following decisions in this scene that are most important!

Chapter 8

The Lovers Location - After Ryan and Laura take an unfortunate tumble and end up in the quarry, advance up the stairs. Eventually, a small cutscene is triggered and some of the stair railing collapses. Just beyond here, you’ll find a small area to the left where you can stand and overlook the ground level of the quarry, where you just came from. Once stood here, the camera will pan to reveal the card sat up above.

The Lovers Explained - The card will reveal Laura biting Ryan’s arm, but she isn’t succumbing to the infection. In fact, she is doing this of her own accord. These events unfold in Chapter 9 after Bobby stabs Ryan. With Laura being infected, she offers to bite Ryan so that he can gain the regenerative powers of the infection; it’s up to you whether you go ahead with this or not.

Wheel of Fortune Location - As you continue through the quarry, you’ll also find a small tunnel with a single lantern inside it. Advance ahead, and as you walk past the lantern, the camera will reveal the card on the wall.

Wheel of Fortune Explained - This card is simple: a monster is shown to kill Bobby Hackett. This particular course of events will happen naturally in Chapter 9, provided that you stabbed Bobby earlier on in the game, making him too weak to defend himself when the monster eventually attacks.

The Empress Location - Once you leave the quarry’s caves, you’ll find yourself in the Hackett House. Head into the room to your left, and as you approach a chair that is nearby to the doorway, the camera will pan and reveal the card.

The Empress Explained - This card, similarly to Wheel of Fortune, will show a monster killing Constance Hackett. Again, this happens naturally towards the end of Chapter 9, unless you killed Constance earlier while controlling Laura.

The Emperor Location - In the first room of Hackett House, go forward and along past the shelves of barrels. As you near the end, the camera will pan to reveal that the card is on a nearby wall.

The Emperor Explained - Finally, this card shows Jebediah Hackett being killed by a monster. Like Constance, you can kill him earlier on, but if you don’t, the monster will eventually take care of him for you.

Chapter 9

As one of the folk who somehow missed every card in Chapter 9 during my first run, and unknowingly picked up The Hierophant in my second run, I sadly don’t know what visions Death, The Sun, and Judgement reveal. The Hierophant card is different to any other card in The Quarry, and if you pick it up, you will not be able to see the readings for Death, The Sun, and Judgement cards found in this chapter. Instead, picking up this card triggers a unique cutscene when talking with Eliza; it’s up to you whether to take it or not!

Death Location - Playing as Dylan and after having met Constance, you’ll eventually need to step out from hiding and do some more exploring. Before interacting with any evidence or clues in the room, walk into the center of the room, near to the birdcage. The card can be found atop the wardrobe.

The Sun Location - Playing as Laura, head upstairs and keep left. When you’re happy you’ve done enough exploring in the area, advance across the landing and into an empty room. As soon as you enter, the card will be revealed.

Judgement Location - In the scrapyard, and taking on the role of Dylan, take a left as soon as you enter. Eventually, you’ll find a staircase that’ll allow you to walk on the top of some shipping containers. While walking around atop these, the camera will pan to reveal the card.

The Hierophant Location - While playing as Abi in the storm shelter, approach the stairs and the camera will change angles again to reveal this card.

The Hierophant Explained - Collecting this card will trigger a special, secret cutscene with Eliza that displays the events of the Freakshow Fire that you’ll have been finding clues for. In the scene, we catch a glimpse at the supposed Hag of Hackett’s Quarry and Silas, and get some more answers regarding The Quarry’s history. There’s also a QTE here you won’t want to miss.

Chapter 10

The High Priestess Location - While exploring the lodge as Kaitlyn, go up stairs and take a left, making your way toward the kitchen. Head up the second set of stairs to the third floor, and go toward the window. As you approach, the camera will pan to the roof of the attic, revealing the card.

The High Priestess Explained - This card is found before the epilogue to the game, and doesn’t reveal a vision. I assume this is because of when you speak with Eliza at the end of Chapter 10, the game is over, so there are no more visions of the future to be had.

How to use Tarot Cards in The Quarry

When each chapter of The Quarry comes to an end, you’ll be taken to Eliza. Provided that you managed to collect at least one Tarot Card in the prior chapter, she will explain the meaning of the card in typical, tarot terminology. Once Eliza is done, she’ll ask if you want to see more or move on. Moving on will trigger the next chapter, meanwhile, seeing more gives you a better glimpse at what may be to come. For each card, a brief scene is shown from the future. It’s entirely up to you how you use this knowledge, but it’s important to keep whatever you see in mind for upcoming decisions, especially if you don’t want to see that premonition come to fruition. With all of the Tarot Cards retrieved around The Quarry, you’ll also be in receipt of the ‘Decked Out’ achievement. If gathering all 22 Tarot Cards isn’t helping you get to the bottom of Hackett’s history, or keeping your camp counsellors alive, we detail how to keep everyone alive (with as few spoilers as possible) in our guide to The Quarry’s best endings. Good luck!

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