The new publication, which has been put together from’s fantastic ‘How to get a job’ series, has been designed to help young people find out about programming, QA, journalism, art, production and all the other areas of the industry you may want to break into and get a job in. “Across 100+ pages, the magazine tackles all key game trades as well as advice on building your personal brand, how to stand out, job interviews, and more,” says Marie Dealessandri, features editor for the site, in a post announcing the project. So if you’re a fan of games, magazines and – yep, you guessed it – games magazines, you owe it to yourself to at least check out the Academy Magazine. You’ve got no excuse not to; after all, it’s free! You can either download the magazine for safe keeping on your own device at the link, or have a browse of the whole thing below. If you’d prefer a physical version of the mag, you’ll be pleased to know that it will soon be distributed in physical format at upcoming events, including EGX London. If reading the mag has inspired you to try and get your foot in the door of this wonderful creative industry – or look for a new position if you’re already part of it – you can head on over to the jobs board at It’s free for job seekers to sign-up and join. You never know; this time in a few years, we could be reporting on one of the games you’ve helped make (or you could even be writing articles about them for this very website). It may have its problems, but the games industry is rapidly becoming a more diverse, creative and fair place to work – there’s never been a better time to be a part of it.